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SEO Is About Profit Maximization, Not Cost Cutting

Last week, strategist Trond Lyngb wrote about SEO’s return on investment. He made a number of great points, but none may be more important than this: “Your aim as a business owner should be profit maximization, not cost cutting at the expense of lost sales and revenue.” While this idea can be applied to any area of business, it is particularly true in the case of SEO. A business cannot possibly pursue…

Basic Internet Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Internet marketing can be an intimidating subject for small business owners. But for those hoping to reach a bigger audience, cultivate existing customer relations, and improve the overall image of the company, it is an enormously effective method of marketing. Depending on the type of business you run, it could be the most effective method. To reap the benefits, first learn the basics of developing a solid foundation. Just Relax – The…

5 Tips for Optimizing Social Media Updates

Social media is the marketing medium to watch. No other marketing tool is as important to the success of a business or organization, from the small start-up to the established corporation, as social media. With social media in constant flux, businesses still struggle with managing their social media presence. Many leaders understand how much potential is there, but the method to tap into it is a mystery. Not having the skill set,…

Why Responsive Design Is a Must for Your Website

As web traffic becomes increasingly more mobile, every business needs to get on board with responsive design. But what is responsive design, and how can it help boost site accessibility, overall ease of use, and consumer appeal? Responsive web design is attentive to the specifications of a variety of devices, adapting fluidly and instantaneously to user browsing platforms. It may sound deceptively simple, but this critical aspect of website development will determine…

4 Best Practices for Adapting to Google Hummingbird

Back in September, Google announced the debut of Hummingbird, an algorithm update that was primarily focused on semantic search and understanding natural language. This update forced marketers and SEOs to begin reinventing their strategies in order to cope with a search engine that is less focused on keywords and more focused on phrases and concepts. For the last several months, marketers have been working frantically to figure out how to approach the…

2014 Could Be the Year for Google Glass

While many experts believed 2013 would be the year for Google’s much anticipated release of Glass, its delay suggests 2014 as the launch year. Hailed by many as a life changing advance in technology, Google Glass is expected to revolutionize the way we experience the world on a daily basis. What Is Glass Anyway?  You’ve probably heard the buzz about Google Glass, but do you know what it is? Essentially, Glass is…

Internet Marketing on a Budget: 4 Helpful Tips

Who says internet marketing is only for the wealthy? With the right practices and strategies, any business, no matter the budget, can actively participate in an internet marketing campaign of its own. All it takes is the right preparation and frame of mind, and you can develop your business’ online presence from the ground up. Understand the Customer – The importance of understanding the profile of your customer cannot be stressed enough.…

Facebook Celebrates Birthday with New App

While the one with the birthday is usually showered with gifts and presents, Facebook decided to celebrate its tenth birthday by giving a gift of its own. The gift comes in the form of a new iPhone app called Paper and looks to revolutionize the way people receive their news online. Happy Birthday Facebook Launched on February 4th, 2004 from a Harvard University dorm room, Facebook has evolved from an innovative idea…

7 Web Design Tips for Creating User-Friendly E-Commerce Sites

E-commerce websites present a unique challenge to web designers, who have to consider a completely different set of elements when designing a site for an e-commerce client than they would for any other clients. In order to make sure that your e-commerce site is best equipped to attract customers and encourage conversions, incorporate the following strategies into your web design. 1. Include Filters When customers visit an e-commerce site, it’s important for…

Be Seen: How Facebook Ads Are Critical for Promoting Your Business

If your business is looking for the next big advertising push to bring in more customers, look no further than Facebook. Facebook ads are simple to create and highly visible, with the fourth quarter in 2013 boasting serious increases in click-through rates – about 50% more click-through engagements than in the third quarter. This increased rate of user engagement coupled with recent changes to Facebook’s news feed format are a signal to…

Beyond Hummingbird: Staying Afloat with Google in 2014

The release of Google Hummingbird was one of the main tech updates of 2013, and has already required that businesses begin to rethink their SEO strategies to better target mobile and local consumers. Today, let’s take it a step further with some predictions for what 2014 will continue to bring, digging deep into what Google throws at those of us in the content marketing sphere. Increasing Influence of Knowledge Graph We are…

Google’s New Local Carousel Enhances Small Business Visibility

Internet marketing gurus have been abuzz about Hummingbird’s effect on local searches as more information and analytics data becomes available. It’s clear from the recent updates in Google Now and Google Maps that the search superpower is moving toward making local search results more intuitive, visible, and accessible from all devices. Google’s Local Carousel is an eye-catching slider bar that appears as the top result when certain keywords are searched and has…