Well a new algorithm change took place yesterday to go after content farms and spammy-content producers.
Where these the sites giving JC Penny the juice that took them to #1?
If you didn’t hear about it 2 weeks ago JC Penny was determined to be getting “paid links” from unrelated sites and ranking high for terms throughout the busy season in retail. Yes that is right they understood the error of the algorithm and used it for gain.
Is this wrong or right since it is the “web board” Google presented for us to play on?
I can say from the history of the web – if you prove Google wrong or show them lacking control of the algorithm then you are wrong and will be punished [Read Your Webmaster Central – webmaster guidelines]. They say, “do no evil” and if you find a weakness in the algorithm and exploit it you are so wrong.
I understand the competitiveness of the web and everyone wants to be number one for all terms. Just remember this is not a “one round fight” and quality ranking that last over time will take time and honest work. Creating a short cut may be a temptation with short gains but in the end you lose long term.