Our Blog

What’s YOUR First Screen?

First Screen. Second Screen. Third Screen. I went to a seminar about a year ago where a marketing/technology expert referred to the smart phone as a consumer’s “third screen” through which they receive news, entertainment and stay connected. The event was sponsored by a TV station – so, of course, Television was the first screen; the computer screen, the second – and, the smart phone was the emerging third. Being of an…

Your Site Sucks – I’m Sorry

I am a long-time fan of Chicago; the Band.  I loved the early brass-rock days of CTA and “25 or 6 to 4” up through “Beginnings” and “Saturday in the Park”.   However, they started to lose me in the Peter Cetera days when they cranked out sappy-chick-hits with high note hooks like Hard for me to Say “I’m Sorry.” That song has been hooked in my head this week here at the office.  It IS hard…

SteerPoint Design

Welcome to our newly-launched web design and development site–SteerPoint Design!

Do you know whom you are hiring? All the information is out there but are you looking?

In the past when a company wanted to hire a developer they just asked to see some previous work examples and 2-3 references. If everything was good – the deal was struck. Today not only do you need to know the work history of your web developer (since most are independent contractors working for themselves) but now you need to check and see if they have a criminal background. Recently a web…

Round One from Google – Algorithm change

Well a new algorithm change took place yesterday to go after content farms and spammy-content producers. Where these the sites giving JC Penny the juice that took them to #1? If you didn’t hear about it 2 weeks ago JC Penny was determined to be getting “paid links” from unrelated sites and ranking high for terms throughout the busy season in retail. Yes that is right they  understood the error of the…

Will your site code be ready for Google TV?

Ok this goes out to all the proprietary developers on the web! Google tv is on its way and a quick question – do you have a developer working full time to make your “in-the-box” platform ready for Google TV? We all know that WordPress, Drupal and Joomala have thousands if not millions of developers keeping the technology up to the latest standards and features. My gut tells me that this will…

Internet Marketing is here to stay!

Ok let’s talk about the Pink Elephant in the middle of the room. Over the past 2 years I have met more CEO’s and GM’s that have zero clue about the web – even had one GM that didn’t even know the difference between IE, Firefox and Safari. Note to all owners in business – unless you are coming out of a cave or listening to a CEO/GM that are clueless the…

Watch what you write on the web!

In the past week I have been looking at SEO companies from across the country to determine some sources of valuable links that we don’t already have today. Some are good some are just trash but one thing is for sure – “Watch what you write on the web”! Prime example – on a blog post (source used for a link) a SEO company owner stated that “I’m a newcomer” and there…

PPC out of Control

If you are not comparing your PPC development to your organic results than you are wasting money! After a week of new client interviews this week, I was once again reminded of how many companies call “PPC” – “SEO”. I was also shocked at how many companies are running a strong PPC campaign but the organic results have not developed over the life of the campaign. When you engage an Internet marketing…

Google’s algorithm for AOL is changing and not for the better.

In the past week we have seen some changes to Google Algorithm and today we notice either a bug in the algorithm or a fault. If you didn’t know in the past you could use the search action on AOL and get Google’s real results without all the filtering forced on your average Google search. Today on the Search term “pallet racks” the number one company has not been in the top…

Social Media CRM – Shoutlet

Just finished a presentation of the social media-marketing platform Shoutlet. We are looking to find a solution for our clients so they can engage in the social media world without having hours of programming lessons. Lets face it 500 million Facebook members is a market still not embraced by more than 50% of the companies in business today. Shoutlet offers a fantastic internal CRM system that maintains the social media chat and…

Geo Location PPC not on AT&T and Sprint networks

Problem It is out – AT&T and Sprint are displaying Google National search campaigns on their 3G networks.  About 9 days ago we identified this change and made sure that all our mobile devises were setup for “location on” but still could not produce Google “Geo Location” PPC ads. We are not certain why Google and the networks would make such a drastic change (since most people have their Mobile Locations set…